Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Weather: Here and There

Having grown up in Malta, a tiny Mediterranean island, I spent my summers at my grand parents summer house. Every day I would wake up; eat breakfast; put on my swimming suit and just cross the road to reach the sea. Hours were spent daily playing in the water, only being disturbed for lunch and an afternoon siesta. I actually want my childhood back and am jealous of myself in those years.

When I moved to Germany and then later on to the Netherlands I realised that the summers I was so accustomed to were not the same further North. Winters are much colder so when spring arrives I’m already really waiting to be able to shed some of the layers of clothes. The hours of daylight start increasing and my mood starts getting better. Up till now everything feels like back in Malta, until come May the weather doesn’t continue improving to a scorching heat. Spring continues on well into summer and I doubt it ever backs away. You never know ahead of time how the weather will be. Bbq’s planned ahead might be carried out under the rain, days at the beach might turn out as a day spent in a pub. Summer is just a combination of seasons dispersed in a single day. You can wake up in the morning to gloomy weather and by afternoon their might be stunning blue skies.

Once you get used with this sporadic behaviour you can actually really enjoy the summer months. Sunsets happen at around 10 in the evenings, leaving you ample time to spend at the park or for romantic dinners in front of the sunset (which takes freakishly long to happen here!). Temperatures are in the gentle twenties so you can actually manage to do something apart from lie down under the air condition.

I miss the freedom of summers in Malta so I always make sure to have a beach holiday when it’s the hottest but I learnt to enjoy this gentler period here and it has made me become more spontaneous.

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