This was just the initial hiccup, the day went quite amazingly after that. We went around the markets in Cologne and had a great time. I had visited these markets in the past years, but the experience was still as if it was the first time. Drinking mulled wine from boot shaped cups, eating bratwursts and finally starting to feel that Christmas is just round the corner.

The day after we had one surprise left for us. On the drive towards the Dusseldorf markets we had a puncture. Nothing big you would say. That's what I thought as well until I noticed that the spare wheel was the small type of wheels that only allow a maximum speed of 80km/hr. This meant we had to drive back on the Germany highways where the limit was 130km/hr or no limit at all, really slowly. Big trucks kept over taking us as well as old granny cars!! Slowly we made it home. This weekend will surely be one that will be remembered for a long time, most probably with a smile on our faces.
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